Here we are! Yes, we're coming to Bavaria soon. We're looking forward to meeting you all. Let us introduce ourselves. We are, from left, Serafino, Carmine, Federica and Maria Pia. See you soon.
We are outside our school; it's a lovely day. What's the weather like there? Write comments and let us know. Bye.
Program for the Comenius-week in Lauterhofen from May 4th to May 10th 2008
Sunday 4th: Arrival of guests -Groups from Italy, Greece and Norway arrive at Neumarkt at app. 18.00h, group from Spain arrives at app. 22.00h. Transport to accommodation places. Monday 5th: Their school and region 8.30h: Official begin of programme Visit of school- Welcome by headmaster- guest students join classes, tour through building 13.00h: Guided tour at home for disabled and Lunch there 13.30h: Habsberg, church and environmental centre some hands-on activities 16.00h: coffee break 17.00h: Walk to famous cave and tour through cave 19.30h: Evening meal (teachers) in Velburg, students in families Tuesday 6th: City of Nuremberg 8.30h: Leaving for Nuremberg 9.30h: Documentation Centre (museum about Germany from 1933-1945) 12.00h: Free time in the city centre (LUNCH everyone on his own) 15.30h: Exploring the Nuremberg sights on foot (St. Lorenz church, Central Square, Castle –guided tour) 19.30h: Arrival in Lauterhofen (Dinner in families) 20.00h: EVENING MEAL for teachers in Pilsach (partner community) sponsored by Pilsach Council Wednesday 7th:Project work and local business 8.30h: At school – classes perform their work on the project 11.00h: Reception at Town Hall with snacks donated by the local administration then by bus to Schweibach 12.00h: Visit to a running farm 13.30h: Walk to nearby golf-course to play golf (planned!!!) 15.00h: Visit to Betonbau Meier (local construction company) -teachers only - then freetime till 19.00h: Dinner and Bavarian evening for everybody (guests and hosts) in a restaurant in the borough of Brunn sponsor for the guests: Council of Lauterhofen. Guests should – if possible – bring a little contribution to evening program (sirtaki, flamenco, tarantella etc.) Thursday 8th: Regensburg and the Danube River 8.00h: Leaving for Regensburg 9.30h: Walk to the old Centre (UN -world heritage) Cathedral, Roman Stone Bridge, Old Town Hall 12.30h: Kelheim Marina – a boat trip on the Danube to Weltenburg Abbey, Lunch at beergarden 15.00h: Kelheim Liberation Monument 17.30h: Visit of Local Brewery and dinner there (for teachers) (students go home by bus. Evening meal at host families) Friday 9th: Drama and Biking 8.00h: Kaspar Hauser: Power point presentation (History and theories, made by students) 8.30h: Excerpts of our musical “HAUSER”(drama group) 10.00h: Exhibition Primary school(The former railway in Lauterhofen) 10.30h: A bike-ride on the former railroad track to Kastl 11.00h: Visit of old abbey in Kastl (partner community) 12.30h: Bike-ride to Pfaffenhofen (restaurant) 13.00h: Farewell-meal “Time to say good-bye” sponsor: Council of Kastl 15.00h: End of official program Rest of the day in host families Evening: For teachers (guests and colleagues) Good-bye party at Hermann’s Saturday 10th: Time to say good-bye All the guests leave from Neumarkt station at about 10.00h. Everybody should be at the station by 9.30h to wave good-bye. (Tromsö, Montoro and Marigliano will leave at 9.57h to Munich and Volos will leave at about 10.30h to Frankfurt)
This is the program as planned and intended. Some topics have to be cleared up finally but there won’t be any bigger changes. Guests and host students are taking part in each event. The guests will be picked up every evening at school by their hosts and taken to school in the morning by school-bus or hosts. Every other detail will be given during the week. Marion, Hermann, Angelika, Bettina , Bernhard and the rest of the staff wish a pleasant flight and journey by train. They’re looking forward to a great week together with us.
07-ITA01-CO06-00399-1 - Media Tools e Drammatizzazione: chiavi di lettura di Miti, Leggende e Folklore delle nostre terre
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.